Pohutu and Prince of Wales Geyser: There are two geysers here. The small one to the left is the Prince of Wales geyser. It blows first, followed a few seconds later by Pohutu, the largest geyser in the southern hemisphere. They blow every few few minutes. The air temperature in this area is approximately 50 c. so you have tend to move away fairly quickly. There is a viewing area near by but the rocks around the area are fairly warm so not where you want to sit for a long time on a hot day!

The springs flowing from the geysers are around 114 degrees. There river area below is cold water. Trout from the river are often caught in the boiling water flow thus cooking them on sight!

The rocks are coloured red and white due to the mineral content in the geyser water.

Boiling mud. They sell the mud for face packs and lotions. Apparently it is excellant for people with excemza.
The town of Rotorua has hot springs all around so you can pitch up to private spas and have a soak in the thermal bath of your choosing. Great for arthritis sufferers.
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